LEGOLAND Florida Accommodations
Everything you need to know about planning and booking your stay at LEGOLAND Florida Resort
LEGOLAND Florida Resort Hurricane Policy
General Information about LEGOLAND Florida Hotel
- Can I leave my luggage at the LEGOLAND Florida Hotel or Pirate Island Hotel before check-in?
- What fun entertainment is available at the LEGOLAND® Florida Hotel?
- Is staying at the LEGOLAND Florida Hotel worth it?
- What amenities are included in the LEGOLAND Florida Hotel rooms?
- I'm staying at the LEGOLAND Florida Resort Hotels. Does that grant me early access to LEGOLAND?
- Do you allow emotional support animals into your Hotels?
General Information about LEGOLAND Beach Retreat
- Can guests staying at LEGOLAND® Beach Retreat park at LEGOLAND® Florida for free before check-in?
- When is the Beach Retreat open?
- Is Lake Dexter accessible for guests staying at the LEGOLAND Beach Retreat?
- Do you have a shuttle to LEGOLAND from the Beach Retreat?
- Can guests wear swimsuits inside The Lighthouse?
- Can LEGOLAND Beach Retreat guests store their luggage at LEGOLAND Hotel before check-in or after check-out?
General Information about LEGOLAND Pirate Island Hotel
- What fun entertainment is available at the Pirate Island and LEGOLAND Florida hotels?
- What amenities are included in Pirate Island Hotel rooms?
- Is staying at the Pirate Island Hotel worth it?
- What amenities are available at the Pirate island Hotel?
- Do you have a gym at the Pirate Island Hotel?
- Is there a pool at the Pirate Island Hotel?
Hotel Pre-Booking Assistance
- Why does availability show up under the main package, but when I search for annual passholder discount/AAA/Military, nothing shows up?
- When adding extra day tickets to my LEGOLAND Florida vacation package, do I select 1 ticket or 1 per person?
- How can I request connecting rooms at LEGOLAND Florida Resort Hotels?
- How can I check room availability and book a room at the LEGOLAND Florida Hotel?
- Are the prices for tickets and hotels on the LEGOLAND Florida website displayed in US dollars?
- The price for a room went up from yesterday to today. Can I book at yesterday's rate?
Hotel Post-Booking Support
- What changes can be made via the Manage My Booking portal for LEGOLAND Florida Hotel, and what needs to be done by calling the Call Center?
- How do I upload my vacation package tickets into the LEGOLAND App?
- I have not received my hotel confirmation?
- Can I use the park facilities at LEGOLAND Florida after checking out of the hotel?
- I am unable to log in to manage my booking for LEGOLAND® Florida. What should I do?
- Is it possible to upgrade my room at LEGOLAND® Florida?
Hotel Packages
- Is parking included with the hotel vacation package?
- What is included in the Kids Stay & Play FREE Vacation Package?
- Can I add a VIP tour to my hotel package at LEGOLAND Florida?
- Does LEGOLAND Florida offer a birthday package?
- What tickets are included with the "Book 2 Nights, Get 1 Free" package?
- Does staying at the Hotel include a pass to the Park?
Hotel Discounts & Promotions
Our Rooms
- What complimentary in-room toiletries are provided at LEGOLAND Florida Resort hotels?
- Do any of the rooms at LEGOLAND Florida Hotels have two bathrooms?
- How many people can a LEGOLAND Hotel Room Accommodate?
- What are your different room types?
- Can I book an ADA accessible room?
- What is the difference between Premium and Regular rooms?
- Do I need to make a reservation at the hotel restaurants?
- Do you offer room service at the Resort Hotels?
- What time is breakfast served?
- What does Bricks Family Restaurant serve for Breakfast and Dinner?
- What is the Smuggler's Bar?
- What does the Shipwreck Restaurant serve breakfast and dinner?
Location & Directions
- Can we park at LEGOLAND Hotel parking lot before checking in, if we plan to visit the park on the same day?
- What are the addresses for LEGOLAND?
- Do you have car charging stations at LEGOLAND Florida Hotel?
- Do you offer shuttle transportation to LEGOLAND Florida Resort from any location?
- How far is the hotel to LEGOLAND Theme Park?
- Do I pay for parking at the LEGOLAND Florida Hotels?