General Information about LEGOLAND Beach Retreat
- When is the Beach Retreat open?
- Is Lake Dexter accessible for guests staying at the LEGOLAND Beach Retreat?
- Do you have a shuttle to LEGOLAND from the Beach Retreat?
- Can guests wear swimsuits inside The Lighthouse?
- Can LEGOLAND Beach Retreat guests store their luggage at LEGOLAND Hotel before check-in or after check-out?
- Are towels available for pool guests at LEGOLAND Beach retreat?
- After vacating my room, can I leave my car at LEGOLAND Beach Retreat while visiting the theme park or water park?
- Are LEGO characters available for meet-and-greets at LEGOLAND Beach Retreat?
- Are life jackets available for pool guests at Beach Retreat?
- Is the pool fenced at LEGOLAND Beach retreat?
- Does Palm Tree Traders sell snacks and drinks?
- Are recreational activities offered on Lake Dexter?
- Is the swimming pool heated at LEGOLAND Beach retreat?
- What is there to do at LEGOLAND Beach Retreat?
- What are the benefits of staying at LEGOLAND Beach Retreat?
- Can guests carry concealed weapons at LEGOLAND Beach Retreat?
- Does LEGOLAND Beach Retreat accept pets?
- Can guests ride bicycles, skateboards or scooters at LEGOLAND Beach Retreat?
- Can guests fly drones, kites or other recreational toys at LEGOLAND Beach Retreat?
- Does LEGOLAND Beach Retreat have on-site security?
- Does LEGOLAND Beach Retreat rent wheelchairs, ECVs or strollers?
- Can LEGOLAND Beach Retreat guests attend Creative workshops?
- Do LEGOLAND Beach Retreat rooms include treasure chests?
- Is smoking allowed at LEGOLAND Beach Retreat?
- Does LEGOLAND Beach Retreat have a lobby or front desk?
- Does LEGOLAND Beach Retreat offer housekeeping service?
- Is it necessary to check out with a staff member upon departure at LEGOLAND Beach Retreat?
- Do the drive-through check-in windows have limited hours at LEGOLAND Beach retreat?